Welcome to ASW – Compare our Industrial Heavy-Lift Multirotor UAVs made in the USA.

ASW Drones are manufactured in the USA and engineered for your specific use case.

Typical ILM Quad Investment Range: $13,999 - $32,999

ILM Industrial Quadcopter

The Intermediate Lift Multirotor (ILM) is designed to handle the rigors of real-world field work while
continuing to perform flawlessly mission after mission.

Capacity: up to 11 lbs (5kg)

Designed to handle the rigors of real-world field work while continuing to perform flawlessly mission after mission.

The Intermediate Lift Multirotor (ILM) is an industrial grade quadcopter that ships and packs easily while supporting various payloads. The smallest in ASW’s family of multirotors, this features the same modularity and ease of maintenance for which our larger options are already known. Made in the US from aircraft-grade carbon fiber and aluminum. Built with modular, serviceable, plug-and-play arms and high accessibility frame components to allow for easy servicing. The ILM can deliver a lifetime of industrial use with proper maintenance.

The entire ILM system is highly portable; airframe, battery, and controller can be stored and transported in a single, luggage-sized Pelican™ brand case. Dollar for dollar, the ILM meets or exceeds the capabilities of other competitors in its size class for portability, performance, and endurance.

Why Choose the ILM?

Industrial Grade

Made in the US from aircraft-grade carbon fiber and aluminum. Designed to handle the rigors of real-world field work while continuing to perform flawlessly mission after mission.

Highly Portable

The entire ILM system (airframe, battery, and controller) can be stored and transported in a single, luggage-sized Pelican™ brand case.


Equipped with the industry standard ArduCopter flight stack and programmed to support fully autonomous missions, including takeoff and landing.


Built with modular, serviceable, plug-n-play arms and high accessibility frame components to allow for easy servicing. The ILM can deliver a lifetime of industrial use with proper maintenance.

ILM Quadcopter

Quick Specs:

Number of Motors4
Total Diameter1158 mm
Max Endurance43+ minutes
Total HeightUser Adjustable
Ground ClearanceUser Adjustable
AvionicsShips w/ CubePilot •
GNSS (RTK Ready)
Typical Payload Range0 – 5+ kg
Typical Takeoff Weight7 – 12 kg


Searching for a
custom heavy lift drone?

ASW can customize your ILM industrial drone to specific your needs, inquire today to learn more.


Payloads ranging from precision agriculture sensors to counter-UAS and package delivery systems have been integrated with our aircraft.

Common payloads can be integrated with an off-the-shelf payload tray. For unique payloads, our experienced team can design a bolt-on interface tailored to your mission.


Our aircraft are designed to work with nearly any payload—whether it exists today or will be released years from now.

ASW offers training courses for all of the systems we sell.  In-depth sessions are available for novice operators and those without existing certifications, while short courses are available for more experienced pilots simply requiring familiarity training on their new vehicle. Additionally, currency days with factory certified trainers are available for those who need to log flight time for operational requirements.

In addition to conducting training, ASW has helped multiple sUAS manufactures develop OEM courses to complement their products.  If you have a new system ready for market and wish to offer the best value to your clients, please consider contacting ASW to develop a customized training solution.


​The team at ASW has extensive experience providing complex unmanned systems to civil and government customers. We can provide expert solutions to meet your requirements. Our services include:

Full Systems Engineering Support

OEM Design, Integration, & Custom Builds

Payload Design

Software Design


Yes, through our sister company, PARASAFE

In July of 2021, Aero Systems West, Inc. was acquired by Nippon Kayaku Company. This acquisition further advanced our commitment to enabling UAS flight safety. Nippon Kayaku Company has contributed to UAS safety through the development of high reliability fast deploying parachute safety devices. Through this acquisition, Nippon Kayaku Company and ASW have unified their visions and goals to deliver “Safety as a Standard.”

With Accident Protection we’ll repair your drone after any accident, regardless of cause.

All DroneCare Complete customers who have completed their training are eligible for Accident Protection.

We provide hassle-free regular maintenance by aviation experts to keep your drone working well for years


Simply use our pre-paid shipping label; we’ll check every nut and bolt, replace any worn-out parts, and ensure all subsystems are fully upgraded

With our ONE YEAR Limited Warranty, our experienced customer service team will repair any unforeseen issues.

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+1 408-599-2791

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